Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dealing with the cold.

My plan for dealing with the cold would be to wear many warm layers including scarves, gloves, jackets, etc. I also love drinking hot chocolate, or hot cider, while sitting in a room heated by a fireplace. But my parents don't ski, meaning I don't, I'm not totally excited for the opening of the hills, though I do love sledding, tubing, and skiing with other family members when I get the chance.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Early Bird

The bird and worm were made in Powerpoint. To create the bird's flying effect I used three birds. For the worms crawling effect, I used two worms. I then annimated it all while in Fireworks, and it took ages. It has a total of four different sections individually annimated, and over 200 frames. Two of the four parts I had to redo because of problems saving. Once the parts were complete, it was then brought over to Movie Maker, put together, and added to with music, titles and credits. This was a lot of work, even though it definately dosent look like it.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Favourite Season

I love Summer, Fall, and Winter. I love the warmth in summer, the clear sky, the thunderstorms generated by heat in the clouds, and the time off school. In fall I love the beautiful leaves changing colors, the crisp weather, and the fall clothing (hoodies, jeans). I love winter as well, with the beautiful white blankets of snow covering the ground, sitting next to a roaring fire, drinking hot chocolate, and reading a good book. The only season I don't really care for, would be spring. With its cold rain, melting snow, and overwhelming slush, it's my least favourite.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Pivot Dancers

I made this in pivot. I know it dosen't look like much, but it took a lot of time to complete. It origionally had three parts, brought all three to Movie Maker, uploaded them, added music, title and credits, and it became this... Hope you like it.