Tuesday, December 14, 2010

JAAKS an average day

We (Jenna, Ashley, Kaesha, Stephanie, and myself) made this video using two ipod touche's video feature. It was so fun and I love it! :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Wish List.

I always feel really selfish as I write my Christmas List because it reminds me of what other people don't have. Which sometimes adds up to quite a bit.
This Christmas I would like:
                  - music
                  - clothes
                  - money
                  - and other cool little things that are relatively useless
                    (but still totally awesome)

I know it's really general, but it then leaves room for improvement and its hard to be disappointed because you didn't receive what you REALLY wanted! (its easier just to buy that with all the Christmas money later)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dealing with the cold.

My plan for dealing with the cold would be to wear many warm layers including scarves, gloves, jackets, etc. I also love drinking hot chocolate, or hot cider, while sitting in a room heated by a fireplace. But my parents don't ski, meaning I don't, I'm not totally excited for the opening of the hills, though I do love sledding, tubing, and skiing with other family members when I get the chance.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Early Bird

The bird and worm were made in Powerpoint. To create the bird's flying effect I used three birds. For the worms crawling effect, I used two worms. I then annimated it all while in Fireworks, and it took ages. It has a total of four different sections individually annimated, and over 200 frames. Two of the four parts I had to redo because of problems saving. Once the parts were complete, it was then brought over to Movie Maker, put together, and added to with music, titles and credits. This was a lot of work, even though it definately dosent look like it.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Favourite Season

I love Summer, Fall, and Winter. I love the warmth in summer, the clear sky, the thunderstorms generated by heat in the clouds, and the time off school. In fall I love the beautiful leaves changing colors, the crisp weather, and the fall clothing (hoodies, jeans). I love winter as well, with the beautiful white blankets of snow covering the ground, sitting next to a roaring fire, drinking hot chocolate, and reading a good book. The only season I don't really care for, would be spring. With its cold rain, melting snow, and overwhelming slush, it's my least favourite.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Pivot Dancers

I made this in pivot. I know it dosen't look like much, but it took a lot of time to complete. It origionally had three parts, brought all three to Movie Maker, uploaded them, added music, title and credits, and it became this... Hope you like it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

More Photoshop

These are three more photoshop projects I was able to complete. The first one had three images, a lion roaring, a lion cub, and a barren landscape. Using photoshop I was able to incorporate them together to create a single image. I thought it looked pretty good...
The second picture was made the same way as the first. It includes two images, the phases of the moon, and a hidden lake in a mountain range. That one was my favourite.
The third image was called a montage. where I selected areas, copied them, pasted them a little ways away before adding a size 20 shadow in black.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Photoshop Assignments

I changed the color of the star, from silver to a greenish hue on Photoshop.

Here I changed the red rose to a purple hue on photoshop.

Here I made the photo black and white, and painted back on the color it was previousally.

Here I did the same thing as the previous pictures.

this was a motion project. I blured it with motion blur, and cleared part of the horse to give it a moving effect.

these two previous text projects were done in photoshop, and the purple lettering was copied again and again in black to create a 3D effect then the black was joined together and modified. In the secone one, the whole thing was modified.
This was also done in photoshop, and even though it dosen't look like much, it felt like it took forever.
this was one of my favourites, I typed out text, and modified the picture so the
 tiger was at the back, and the picture shows through.
I found the donut in the first place I looked, and modified text to arc around the circle of the donut, then the text was modified to a rustic blue tint.

Comic Life

We made this in Comic Life, a program for creating lengthly comics. I chose simple disigns for the boxes, and changes the fonts and headlines. I made the people out of cards and stickpeople on Microsoft Powerpoint.


This halloween I'll probrally go over to Jenna's, bake halloween cookies, watch movies, etc. My costume isn't finalized yet, but I'm sure I'll dress up as something. My brother, Shawn, will probrally dress up as a stick man. (wear all black and have glowsticks creating the stick man) It should be fun...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

One More Scan

This followed none of the criteria, I did it because I was done everything, but decided to post it anyway. It's my favourite of the four posted, and took the most work. I modified the apple in Photoshop so it would stay its proper color once i made it black and white.

My Scans

This would be my black and white. It was of leaves scattered around my yard, then scanned to my computer with some color changes.

This was a collage of magazine clippings of both words, sayings, and pictures. It displays no real meaning.

These were pressed flowers scanned to the computer. There were no improvements made to these.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Photoshop Continued

This is a rabbit. With some variations of course. The eyes are from a wolf, and the nose from a pig. I thought it was kinda cute.

This is self explanatory. I imported a chicken's head and stuck it on the back of another chicken.

With this one I edited both the cat and fish. I 'buldged' the cats eye, and added teeth to the fish.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This image was modified in Photoshop using the pucker and buldge tools. It was fun, but what was even better, was looking at the other people's pictures once they were compleated!

 This is meant to be me with Ashley's hair... but when the picture was taken, she was higher up in the shot, so it looks a little strange... oh well.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Banner

This is the first final draft of my banner. It includes both a saying and my logo, I just hope I can make it big enough!

My Logo

My logo is made up of two geometric shapes and a Chinese symbol. The purple triangle has a black outline, as well as the white circle. I find the outlines work with the black symbol to have centering effect. Meaning it draws your eye to the middle, aka. the symbol. The symbol means 'Beauty' which will work since I'm going to begin a jewelry website.

This logo implies in a peaceful sense that beauty doesn't need to be elaborate to be noticed, it just is.

My Thanksgiving Weekend

This upcoming weekend is thanksgiving. I will be traveling down to the States with my cousins and grandparents on my dad’s side. We will travel down early Saturday morning, a whole 6 hours before we reach our destination. Not including any possible trouble/lineup at the border… but it should be good. One big downside is the fact we'll be missing our turkey dinner for the third year in a row! The last two thanksgiving weekends we have been camping, one of the few times we can go. Camping grounds are so busy during the summer! Even so, this thanksgiving should be great!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Website

I think my website will most likely be on art, more specifically jewelry. I chose this because I like to design my own pieces, with beads, metal, wire etc. This way I could also show others what I can do. My logo idea so far is to use Chinese symbols emphasize certain characteristics of the jewelry. For example, I could use this one…
It means 'Beauty'...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday Morning Blog

In the three weeks we have been here, I think my progress in this course is fairly consistent. As a class we have explored new programs and searched the internet for things we wouldn’t normally search for. My favorite project we have completed so far would be taking pictures. I particularly enjoyed the ones of the birds. I also enjoyed the search for logos and checking up on other people’s blogs. One thing I need to improve on would be more of a summary of why I posted something, may it be a picture, logo, or video clip.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

8 Awesome Logos

Hedgehog Solutions. (Online Image) Available http://www.reencoded.com/2010/08/05/30-awesome-black-and-white-logo-designs/ . September 23, 2010.
I love this one because it's cute and not overly cluttered. It uses simple lines, to make a simple design, that makes a lot of impact. I love how it's just black and white. It’s also kind of neat how there is a line of symmetry in the middle of the hedgehog.

The Little Big Co. (Online Image) Available http://www.reencoded.com/2010/08/05/30-awesome-black-and-white-logo-designs/ . September 23, 2010.
I found this one funny. It uses both curvy and straight lines, and is also in black and white, but aslo has a contrast of a blue outline. I liked how it was as though the big shadow was what the little guy could become. It had sort of a message.

Pangur. (Online Image) Available http://www.knowtebook.com/50-brilliant-logos-for-inspiration-1159.htm . September 23, 2010.
This was neat because the colors all merge together, creating an awesome affect. There aren't as many straight lines here (except for the words), most are curvy, and none of the bowls are placed the same.
Colourfruit. (Online Image) Available http://designtutorials4u.com/45-awesomecolorful-logo-designs-for-your-inspiration/ . September 23, 2010.
I love how these contrasting and complementary colors merge together to give you an apple affect. I like how there is no real outline, just where the color ends... yet even though the apple is full of color, the wording at the bottom is in black and grey, which is a neat contrast.
Colorful Logoos
iPhone App. (Online Image) Available http://designtutorials4u.com/45-awesomecolorful-logo-designs-for-your-inspiration/ . September 23, 2010.
I love this logo because the colors are bright and noticeable, but do not take over. It has a simple kind of detail, none too elabourate, yet still has an awesome over look. I like how there is texture and depth created by shadows and darker areas that almost look like of a reflection because it dosen't add to the detail of the fish.

EDL Logo. (Online Image) Available http://edl.ecml.at/Participate/Materials/Logo/tabid/1526/language/en-GB/Default.aspx . September 23, 2010.
I liked this because, even though it has way to much color, it still shows unique quality. I also like how it had no words. There are mainly primary colors, giving it an almost childish affect. But the small amount of secondary colors make it more mature. I liked how the colors were seperated by white lines, instead of black, because you would expect black, yet it gives you white.
glu. (Online Image) Available http://www.gossipgamers.com/look-out-for-modern-warfare-2-on-mobiles/ . September 23, 2010.
I thought this was cute, and I liked how the letters wern't overly elabourate. I liked how the letters were colorfully yellow, curvy, and thick. I also like how the g's eyes are not black, but gray, because black would have taken away from the overall affect.

SociSaurus. (Online Image) Available http://www.ivelina.com/2010/06/sociosaurus-com-logo/ .     September 23, 2010.
I love this logo, the baby Triceratops is adorable! I'm not a huge fan of blue and pink together normally, but this almost swayed my opinion. Almost. I also like how the blue dino sits in an uncentered circle, and how the letters have texture and reflections.

My Three Favourites

When I vitited other people's blog there were plenty of awesome pictures. I chose these because they were different and full of new ideas.

The Sun. (Online Image) Available http://www.cameronlawrencesblog.blogspot.com/ . September 23, 2010.
I liked this picture because it had a unique mystical quality. It looks neat.
Silohuette. (Online Image) Available http://dolmanben.blogspot.com/ . September 23, 2010.
I liked how the outline has a perfectly black contrast against the sky. I found that hard to do... It was also really neat how you'd never guess this picture was taken during the day!
Running Water. (Online Image) Available http://omgwill.blogspot.com/ . September 23, 2010.
I liked this because i didnt think of using the water fountain. Maybe a sink, but not this...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Nameplate

Ashton. September 21, 2010.
My logo was made on Macromedia Fireworks 8. It started as one box, 400 x 200 Pixels, but soon became four. The first box is a deep violet, the second a bright blue, and the third a bright green. The fourth box was styled in a ripple format, and then I edited the spectrum color choice to be different colors of green, blue, and purple. Next I added my name in Hobo Std in white, size 82 font. I like the final product because it’s bright and unique, and I probably couldn't copy it again if I tried.

Ten Favourite Pictures

1) Landscape: This was taken up in Alaska back in May. I like it because it has sort of a fairytale beauty.
Ashton. September 21,2010.
2) Portrait: This was taken at a cottage we stayed at two summers ago. I love it because it's a good picture of all four of us.
Ashton. September 21, 2010
3)Close up: I liked this because it was eye catching and elabourately yellow.
Ashton. September 21, 2010
4) Emphasized Color: I liked this picture because it was pretty and different.
Ashton. September 21, 2010.

5) Lost in Nature: I liked this picture because it is unusual, and the contrast from the straw to the grass was pretty.
Ashton. September 21, 2010.

6) Not Planted: This picture was origional and new. It was different, that's why it was took.
Ashton. September 21, 2010.

7) Reflection: This was took in Alaska too, the full picture was goregeous, but the reflection is what was key.
Ashton. September 21, 2010.

8) Sillohette: I love these birds, they are so silant and symbolic.
Ashton. September 21, 2010.

9) Texture: The tire is something you look at every day, but isn't something you notice. I like this one because it forces you to notice what's obvious.
Ashton. September 21, 2010.

10) Exagerated Angle: The fire hydrant is everywhere, but it too goes without notice, and isn't seen this way very often.